My Righteous Servants

September 27-29, 2024

Old Park Farm, Sickles Lane, Kingsley, GU35 9PD

Academic Competitions

Ijtemas serve as platforms to enrich religious knowledge and promote moral and spiritual development. Eminent speakers have been invited over the three days in the form of speeches and panel discussions.

Tilawat Competition
  • Participants may only recite the Holy Qur’ān verses selected for the Ijtema Syllabus.
  • A Tilāwat recited from outside the syllabus will NOT be marked.
  • Judges reserve the right to stop a participant at any point.
  • There will be no marks for reciting from memory.
  • The marking will be based on Correct Pronunciation, Qir’at / Tajweed and Tune.
Hifz Quran
  • This is not a competition. Every Nasir who memorizes this syllabus will be awarded a certificate and prize.
  • The translation will not be tested.
  • Anyone who is Hafiz Qur’an will not allowed to take part in this competition.
Poem Competition
  • A poem recited from outside the syllabus will not be marked.
  • Judges reserve the right to stop a participant at any point.
  • There will be no marks for reciting from memory.
  • Marks will be given for correct pronunciation, voice quality and tune.

For Non Urdu Speaking Ansar:

English Prepared Speech
  • A participant may only speak on one of the given topics.
  • A speech delivered from outside the syllabus will not be marked.
  • Each speaker will have a total of 3 minutes to deliver his speech. First bell will ring at 2 minutes after which he should complete his speech with the allocated time.
  • Reading from the paper will be allowed; however, additional marks will be awarded for delivering the speech from memory.
  • Judges reserve the right to stop a participant ant any point.
  • Marks will be given for correct pronunciation, content, presentation and memorisation.


  • Attributes of Righteous Servants.
  • Protect and strengthen the institution of Khila’fat.
  • I shall always urge my progeny to remain firmly attached to Khila’fat.
  • How to become a Righteous Servant?
English Extempore Speech
  • This is an open competition, thus any Nasir can participate.
  • This year, there will be a different competition. Every participant will be given a question and the participant will be asked to reply.
  • Every participant will be given 2 minutes for preperation.
  • Participants will then have 2 minutes to deliver the speech. First bell will ring at one and half minute after which he should complete his speech before 2 minutes.
  • Marks will be given for pronunciation, content and presentation.
  • A Nasir can participate in English or Urdu speech competitions but not in both.

Sample Questions:

  • Truthfulness of Promised Messiah (as) from the Holy Qur’an.
  • Truthfulness of Promised Messiah (as) from Aha’dith.
  • The Promised Messiah (as) kind treatment with children.
  • Why do I believe in the Promised Messiah (as)?
  • Why is it necessary to believe in the Promised Messiah (as)?
Bait Bazi
  • The team will comprise of 3 members.
  • The team have to narrate the couplet starting from the ending letter of the couplet, which the previous team has completed.
  • 10 seconds will be given to deliver the response.
  • Competition will be conducted on knock-out basis
  • The couplets will be allowed only from:
    • Durr-e-Sameen
    • Kalam-e-Mahmood
    • Kalam-e-Tahir
    • Durr-e-Adan
    • Bukhar-e-Dil
Message Relay
  • Only one team per region consisting of 5 members will be permitted.
  • Each team will have a choice to select their message either in Urdu or English.
  • The message will be read out 2 times to every team leader in the beginning. He will then be allowed 2 minutes to pass on the message.
  • Every team member must convey the message quitely else team may disqualified.
  • The last member of every team will be allowed 5 minutes to write the message neatly.
Essay Writing
  • This is an open competition. Thus, any Nasir can participate.
  • During the Ijtema till Zuh’r prayer on the second day of Ijtema, participants will be asked to write an essay in 30 minutes at a designated place.
  • Participants can write in Urdu, English or Arabic language.
  • Prizes will be awarded to first 3 positions

  • Individual competition will be conducted in two separate groups of Saf-e-Awaal and Saf-e-Doem.
  • Regions should also conduct the competition in Saf-e-Awal and Saf-e-Doem.
  • Only those Ans’ar can participate in academic competitions at the National Ijtema who are awarded 1st position in the regional Ijtema. In case, a position holder can not attend the National Ijtema, Regional Nazim A’la should propose a name of a Nasir to represent the region and get it approved before the deadline.
  • The deadline for regions to submit the names of the position holders/ regional representatives is 15 days before National Ijtema.
  • Competitions will be help simultaneously.
  • Judge’s decision will be final.

from the past

Promotional video for Taleem with some clips from previous competitions, etc.


Frequently Asked Questions

Answers to the most common questions

If you require assistance with transport to and from the Ijtema site, please contact your local Zaeem who will be able to guide and assist you.

If you want the national committee to assist you please email and we will do our best to help you.

Ijtema Site Address:
Old Park Farm, Sickles Lane, GU35 9PD, Kingsley

Yes accommodation will be available. Please contact us on if you have any specific requirements

Yes, both First Aid and Homeopathy are available onsite 24 hours a day.

Contact us

For any questions and assistance, please contact your local Zaeem,


Nazime Aala Ijtema: 
Okasha ahmad

Secretary Ijtema: 
Musawir Idreess

Contact Us