My Righteous Servants

This year, the theme of Majlis Ansarullah’s Ijtema’at is “Ebad e Salheen” (عباد صالحین). This phrase, which appears in the Holy Qur’an in Surah Al-Anbiya (Chapter 21, Verse 106), holds profound significance. The verse states:

“And indeed, We have written in the Psalms, after the Reminder, that My righteous servants shall inherit the land.” (21:106)

The first point of note in this verse is that the Holy Qur’an confirms the prophecy found in the Zabur (Psalms of David) that the land shall be inherited by the righteous. This reference is explicitly made in Psalms 37:9, 11, 18, 22, and 29, where the concept of inheriting the land is vividly articulated:

“For evildoers shall be cut off; but those that wait upon the Lord, they shall inherit the earth. But the meek shall inherit the earth; and shall delight themselves in the abundance of peace. The Lord knoweth the days of the upright: and their inheritance shall be forever… For such as be blessed of Him shall inherit the earth; and they that be cursed of Him shall be cut off. The righteous shall inherit the land, and dwell therein forever.”

When the Qur’an refers to “الارض” (the land), it is a direct reference to Palestine. It is noteworthy that even Christian commentators interpret the phrase “inherit the land” or “inherit the earth” in the Psalms as signifying “inherit Canaan, or the land of Judea.” This interpretation is supported by the “Commentary on the Old Testament,” published by The Society for Promoting Christian Knowledge.

A few months ago, at the onset of the ongoing conflict in Palestine, Hazrat Amirul Momineen (aba) advised us to study the commentary of this verse closely, emphasizing its heightened relevance in the current global situation. The Qur’an prophesizes that the land of Palestine will always be inherited by the righteous servants of Allah. History attests to the accuracy of this prophecy: whenever the inhabitants of Palestine and Judea strayed from righteousness, they lost possession of the land.

Hazrat Musleh Mauood (ra) elaborated on the fulfillment of this prophecy. After the Israelites ascended to great power following the era of Moses (as), their rule extended far and wide during the reigns of David (as) and Solomon (as). However, when they turned to sin and transgression, Divine punishment befell them. Samaria was conquered by the Assyrians in 733 B.C., and the northern region of present-day Israel was annexed. Later, in 608 B.C., Pharaoh Necho of Egypt ravaged Judah. The most devastating blow came when Nebuchadnezzar, the Babylonian king, attacked Jerusalem, slaughtered its inhabitants, razed the Temple of Solomon, and took thousands of Jews into captivity.

After wandering in the wilderness for nearly a century, the Israelites were restored to Jerusalem with the assistance of Cyrus, the Persian king. However, their period of glory was short-lived, as they again succumbed to sin and ultimately crucified Jesus (as), their final Prophet. About 70 years after this event, Roman forces under Emperor Titus besieged Jerusalem, leading to unprecedented destruction, including the burning of the Temple of Solomon for the second time.

This double calamity that befell the Israelites is explicitly mentioned in Surah Bani Israel (Chapter 17, Verses 5-8), where Allah warns the Children of Israel about their mischief in the land and their subsequent punishment:

“When the time for the fulfillment of the first of the two warnings came, We sent against you some servants of Ours, possessed of great might in war, and they penetrated into your houses, and it was a warning that was bound to be fulfilled. Then We gave you back the power against them, and aided you with wealth and children and made you larger in numbers. Now, if you do good, you will do good to your own souls; but if you do evil, the punishment will be for yourselves. And when the time for the fulfillment of the latter warning comes, We shall raise a people against you who will disgrace you and will enter the Mosque, as they entered it the first time, and they will destroy utterly all that they conquer. It may be that your Lord will have mercy on you; but if you return to mischief, We too will return to punishment. And We have made Hell a prison for the disbelievers.”

Following the Roman Empire’s conversion to Christianity under Emperor Constantine, the land of Judah came under Christian control until it was conquered by the Muslims during the time of Hazrat Umar (ra). Unlike the devastation wrought by Nebuchadnezzar and Titus, Hazrat Umar (ra) treated the inhabitants of Jerusalem with unparalleled kindness and respect, preserving the sanctity of the Temple of Solomon.

The land of Palestine remained under Muslim control for nearly 1,350 years, with the brief exception of 92 years during the Crusades. In recent times, the land has once again fallen into the hands of the Jews, and a new Jewish state has been established. Hazrat Musleh Mauood (ra) emphasized that, according to the prophecy in the Zabur and the Qur’an, the holy land cannot remain in the hands of those who are not pious and righteous in the sight of Allah. It will always be inherited by the righteous servants of Allah. This current phase is temporary, and the land is destined to be won back by the true, righteous servants of Allah.

Sadr Majlis Ansarullah chose the phrase عبادی الصالحون as the motto for the Majlis, recognizing its profound relevance in the current global context. Hazrat Amirul Momineen (aba) also urged the Jamaat to deeply reflect on the commentary of these Qur’anic verses.

The key takeaway for each of us is that to achieve victory in the holy land of Palestine and globally, we must strive to become humble, righteous servants of Allah. This is the only path to true success and triumph. As Ansarullah, the helpers in the cause of Allah, it is imperative that we dedicate ourselves to becoming the righteous servants of Allah who are destined to inherit the land.

In light of the current global situation, which has grown increasingly dire, we must pray earnestly. The conflict in Palestine has simmered for decades, always threatening to engulf not only the region but potentially the entire world. Hazrat Amirul Momineen (aba) has consistently warned that if this conflict spirals out of control, it could have devastating consequences for the entire world. Today, we see the warnings of the Imam of the age coming to fruition as the world teeters on the brink of catastrophe. Therefore, it is crucial that we heed his guidance and strive to become righteous servants of Allah, committed to peaceful resolution and non-violence, even in the most challenging circumstances.

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Nazime Aala Ijtema: 
Okasha ahmad

Secretary Ijtema: 
Musawir Idreess

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