Majlis Ansarullah UK, Annual Ijtema 2017
Lee Valley Leisure Complex, 61 Meridian Way, N9 0AR
Friday, Saturday & Sunday
29th, 30th September, 1st October 2017
The Lee Valley Athletics Centre is located at the Lee Valley Leisure Complex formerly known as Picketts Lock in Edmonton, London Borough of Enfield, which cost £15m to build and was officially opened on 16 January 2007 by the then Minister for the Olympics, Tessa Jowell. The centre is owned and managed by the Lee Valley Regional Park Authority (LVRPA).
The centre is the largest indoor and outdoor athletics facility serving London and South East England, housing the only indoor 200 meter six lane track in the South of England. It also comprises a 130-metre sprint straight, permanent seating for 500 spectators both inside and out, full jumps and throws capacity, and cutting-edge sports science and physiotherapy suites. On 11 September 2014, the centre hosted the Invictus Games.
Lee Valley Athletics Centre,
Lee Valley Leisure Complex,
61 Meridian Way,
N9 0AR
The Majlis Ansarullah Annual Ijtema attracts members from all over the United Kingdom. It is the flagship event of all our programmes throughout the year.
The spiritual gatherings organised by the Jamaat and its auxiliary organisations are to bring about brotherhood and to share the goodness and wonder of Allah’s grace upon His Jamaat.
Related Literature
Remembrance of Allah Zikr-i-Ilahi A lecture delivered by
Hadhrat Mirza Bashiruddin Mahmud Ahmad, Khalifatul-Masih II (May Allah be pleased with him),
during the annual conference of the Ahmadiyya Muslim Community on December 28, 1916.
We have selected the theme for this Ijtema based on the guidance of our beloved Imam, Hadhrat Mirza Masroor Ahmad, Khalifatul Masih Al Khamis aba
Extract from the keynote address by the Worldwide Head of the Ahmadiyya Muslim Community, the Fifth Khalifah (Caliph), His Holiness, Hadhrat Mirza Masroor Ahmad aba at the 1st National Peace Symposium of the Ahmadiyya Muslim Community Canada on 22nd October 2016.
… we are following the original teachings of Islam, as prescribed by the Holy Qur’an and the Holy Prophet Muhammad sa. Those noble teachings can be summed up in just two lines – to love your Creator and fulfil His rights and to love His Creation and to fulfil their rights. Thus, Muslims are taught to show love, compassion and kindness to all of God’s Creation, especially to humanity, which Allah has deemed as the best of Creation. It is absolutely true that we, Ahmadi Muslims, are peace-loving and seek to build bridges of love and hope between different religions and different communities. However, this is not because we have deviated from Islam or modernised it in any shape or form. Rather, it is because we follow Islam’s authentic teachings.
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My dear brothers,
I hope and pray that this letter finds you in best of health.آمین
I am pleased to inform you that Hadhrat Khalifatul Masih V ایدہ اللہ تعالیٰ بنصرہ العزیز has graciously approved the Annual Ijtema of Majlis Ansarullah UK to be held on Friday and Saturday 29th, 30th September, and Sunday 1st October 2017. Inshallah the Ijtema will be held at a brand new venue at Lee Valley Athletics Centre, North London.
I would request that you please make necessary arrangements to attend the Ijtema and we look forward to receive you. If you require any assistance with transport, please contact your Zaeem or Nazim-e-Ala Ijtema Dr Mansoor Saqi Sahib (07535677431) for further information.
I sincerely hope that you will be able to attend the Ijtema and benefit from the blessings and prayers associated with religious gatherings.
I humbly request for your prayers, so that this event is a success and we continue to fulfil the aims for which Majlis Ansarullah was founded by Hadhrat Khalifatul Masih II رضی اللہ عنہ.
Please also pray for the long life and health of Hadhrat Khalifatul Masih V ایدہ اللہ تعالیٰ بنصرہ العزیز so that we continue to benefit from his prayers and guidance.
Dr Ch. Ijaz Ur Rehman
Sadr Majlis Ansarullah UK
Answers to the most common questions
For any questions and assistance, please contact your local Zaeem, or:
Nazime Aala Ijtema:
Dr Mansoor Saqi
07535 677 431
Secretary Ijtema:
Rafi Ahmad Bhatti
07887 840 477
For Transport Information & Tickets:
Rana Abdul Latif
07956 097 314
Useful information to download and distribute!